13, 1962
- America's top military leaders, who were
staunchly right-wing, drafted
"Operation Northwoods" which were secret plans to kill innocent people, commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities,
hijack airplanes, plant evidence, among other things, and blame it on Cubans to create
public indignation and support for a war against Cuba.
Friendly Fire; Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba
"In the early 1960s, America's
top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit
acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against
Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the
possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the
high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating
violent terrorism in U.S. cities.
The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the
international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader,
communist Fidel Castro.
America's top military brass even contemplated causing U.S. military casualties,
writing: "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," and,
"casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national
Details of the plans are described in
Body of Secrets (Doubleday), a new book by
investigative reporter James Bamford about the history of America's largest spy
agency, the National Security Agency. However, the plans were not connected to
the agency, he notes.
The plans had the written approval of all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and were
presented to President Kennedy's defense secretary, Robert McNamara, in March
1962. But they apparently were rejected by the civilian leadership and have gone
undisclosed for nearly 40 years.
The Joint Chiefs even proposed using the potential death of astronaut John Glenn
during the first attempt to put an American into orbit as a false pretext for
war with Cuba, the documents show.
Should the rocket explode and kill Glenn, they wrote, "the objective is to
provide irrevocable proof … that the fault lies with the Communists et all Cuba
The plans were motivated by an intense desire among senior military leaders to
depose Castro, who seized power in 1959 to become the first communist leader in
the Western Hemisphere — only 90 miles from U.S. shores.
The earlier CIA-backed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles had been a
disastrous failure, in which the military was not allowed to provide
firepower. The military leaders now wanted a shot at it.
Reflecting this, the U.S. plan called for establishing prolonged military — not
democratic — control over the island nation after the invasion.
The Joint Chiefs at the time were headed by Eisenhower appointee Army Gen. Lyman
L. Lemnitzer, who, with the signed plans in hand made a pitch to McNamara on
March 13, 1962, recommending Operation Northwoods be run by the military.
Whether the Joint Chiefs' plans were rejected by McNamara in the meeting is not
clear. But three days later, President Kennedy told Lemnitzer directly there was
virtually no possibility of ever using overt force to take Cuba, Bamford
reports. Within months, Lemnitzer would be denied another term as chairman and
transferred to another job.
The secret plans came at a time when there was distrust in the military
leadership about their civilian leadership, with leaders in the Kennedy
administration viewed as too liberal, insufficiently experienced and soft on
communism. At the same time, however, there real were concerns in American
society about their military overstepping its bounds.
There were reports U.S. military leaders had encouraged their subordinates to
vote conservative during the election.
And at least two popular books were published focusing on a right-wing military
leadership pushing the limits against government policy of the day. The Senate
Foreign Relations Committee published its own report on right-wing extremism in
the military, warning a "considerable danger" in the "education and propaganda
activities of military personnel" had been uncovered. The committee even called
for an examination of any ties between Lemnitzer and right-wing groups. But
Congress didn't get wind of Northwoods, says Bamford.
Even after Lemnitzer was gone, he writes, the Joint Chiefs continued to plan
"pretext" operations at least through 1963.
One idea was to create a war between Cuba and another Latin American country so
that the United States could intervene. Another was to pay someone in the Castro
government to attack U.S. forces at the Guantanamo naval base — an act, which
Bamford notes, would have amounted to treason. And another was to fly low level
U-2 flights over Cuba, with the intention of having one shot down as a pretext
for a war.
Afraid of a congressional investigation, Lemnitzer had ordered all Joint Chiefs
documents related to the Bay of Pigs destroyed, says Bamford. But somehow, these
remained." -
ABC (05/01/01)
- Pentagon Proposed Pretexts for Cuba Invasion in 1962 - National Security Archive (actual documents; local) [Printed at: killtown.blogspot.com]
(See also: 1954 - Operation Suzannah, known as the "Lavon Affair", was a covert operation by the Mossad to bomb U.S. installations in Egypt and blame Arabs for it to harm Egyptian-American relations; August 4, 1964 - US agency concludes the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which was used to escalate the Vietnam war, never happened; 9/11 - The most devastating and unprecedented terrorist attack in history happens against the United States of America allegedly committed by 19 radical Arab Muslims)